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Say goodbye to WooCommerce

Wordpress headless BigCommerce solution

Your nextgen problem resolving eCommerce solution with no limits

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Elevate Your Online Store to New Heights!

Introducing WordPress Headless Shopping

Experience the power of seamlessly integrating WordPress with BigCommerce's headless architecture. Say goodbye to SEO concerns and the risks of replatforming while enjoying a super modern and flexible React framework. With fast delivery, ensure updates, plugins, and security are no longer a hassle. Harness the full potential of BigCommerce with features like seamless integrations, cloud infrastructure, and robust data security.

Scale effortlessly, create captivating user experiences, and manage your store with ease. Compatible with Elementor, WordPress Headless Shopping is the future of eCommerce. Take your online store to new heights today!

Stop waisting resources on maintencance

and go Big with our Headless Wordpress solution

No SEO impact

Your pages will keep its structure

Fast delivery

Choose progressive, not replatforming

All BigCommerce power

No more plugins and yet all the features and more

Superior UX

Our react and tailwind headless plugin is optimized for user experience and customizable

Data Security

No more problems with your dataprotection.

Seamlessly Handle Complexity

No limits on what you can sell online

Headless eCommerce and replace WooCommerce

No SEO impact, Secure your ranking, and Avoid Replatforming

Ensure the security of your ranking while eliminating the need for replatforming, thereby safeguarding your consistency bonus in rankings. Your website will remain unchanged, ensuring both your site and ranking are unaffected.

Our solution can save you weeks of work. With our BigCommerce headless integration, you can seamlessly replace your eCommerce functionality with a super modern and flexible React framework.


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Fast Delivery

Are you facing challenges with updates, failed plugin or extension installations, and compromised security? It's possible that you're currently in violation of several privacy and data protection laws. Our headless BigCommerce integration is designed to resolve all of these issues for you. Our team of data specialists ensures a low implementation footprint, saving you up to 10,000+ euros in replatforming costs.


Have a chat with Young-dogs

Harness the Power of BigCommerce

Enhance your CMS with a fully integrated headless BigCommerce solution and take advantage of all the benefits it offers. Here are a few easy ways to boost your revenue:

  • Eliminate the burden of maintaining your eCommerce data.
  • Seamlessly integrate with thousands of technology solution partners for payment and logistics.
  • Stay online consistently with our reliable cloud infrastructure.
  • Keep your store data secure.
  • Eliminate the need for complex and expensive hosting.

By implementing these solutions, your business can save thousands of euros per year, allowing your team to focus on competitiveness, business growth, and optimizing revenue per sale.

Superior User Experience

Leverage the power of the Tailwind UI-based React headless framework, combined with your CMS that has helped build your business, to create an exceptional user experience.

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Adaptable to any Product, Custom, or Standard

Unleash Your Product Potential

When it comes to showcasing your products, whether they are standard, custom, or require intricate variations, our Young-dogs headless middleware is here to empower you. While BigCommerce provides a solid foundation for your eCommerce needs, our middleware takes it to the next level by offering unparalleled flexibility and versatility.

With the Young-dogs headless middleware, you have the freedom to create complex product variations effortlessly, even beyond the capabilities of BigCommerce alone. Say goodbye to limitations and unlock the full potential of your product catalogue. Whether you offer B2B solutions with specific requirements, sell products by weight or volume, or provide customizable options with unlimited pricing variations, our solution caters to your unique needs.

Don't let limitations hinder your product growth. Embrace the adaptability and flexibility of our Young-dogs headless middleware, and witness the transformation of your eCommerce store. Contact us today to discover how our solution can empower your product catalogue and help you stay ahead in the competitive online marketplace.

And there is more!

the benefits of going headless just don't end

Enjoy the world's best

Elementor Compatible

For those who love the Elementor extension, we have a special treat for you. Our tool is fully compatible with the world's leading content editor, allowing you to save time while creating promotions and landing pages.

No more breaches

Superior Data Security

As a business, it's crucial to prioritize the security of your customer data, especially with the increasing importance of data privacy. Many open-source monolithic systems fall short in this area. With our headless solution, BigCommerce handles all aspects of data security, ensuring full compliance with privacy data consent regulations and storing data in EU or US-based storage facilities.

Always online

Fully Scalability on demand

Easily scale your operations based on your needs, thanks to our microservices serverless setup of our unique middleware platform.

Meet BigCommerce biggest benefit

B2B transform your distribution

There are no limitations to what you can sell online. Whether you have B2B requirements, need to sell products by weight or volume, or offer customizable products with unlimited pricing variations, our solution has you covered. Contact us for a free consultation on how to set up complex configurations and determine the required BigCommerce plan.

Freedom for all users

Front & backend independent operations

Take control of your shipments, catalog, and reports without impacting your store's performance. We adhere to the No-Impact policy, where the front-end and back-end operations are completely separate, ensuring a smooth experience for both administrators and customers.

Brands we work with

Blacktrace is an international operating Mergers and Acquisitions firm located in 's-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands).

Their corporate website hosts custom made images, high end design and multiple cross link features. Built on the solid and safe Typo3 CMS engine.

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